Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Why my husband took the cold shower

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Every morning, my husband took the cold shower. 

At my house, we keep the water heater set low to conserve energy. Most of the time, the water’s plenty hot enough for washing dishes and clothes, and for taking showers. There’s one exception, however—the first shower of the day. 

It probably has something to do with the water sitting unused in the tank all night, but what comes through the pipes for the first shower of the day is always significantly cooler. I never realized this until my husband was injured on the job and at home for an extensive rehabilitation period. Ordinarily he’d be in the shower and out the door before six in the morning, but during this time of recuperation, he slept later. 

That meant I took the first shower of the day. 

And it wasn’t the steamy, comforting, therapeutic bask in warmth I’d come to expect. While not frigid, the lower temperature certainly didn’t invite a long, lingering soak. It was business in, business out. 

For 20 years, I’ve never realized the gift my husband has given me every morning. It made me realize other things I’ve been taking for granted:

That he always comes running when I yell, “BUG!” 

That he pumps gas when we’re riding together. 

That he helps me put the sheets on our waterbed, because I can never get the corners tucked in well enough. 

That he gives me the olives from his salad, not because he doesn’t like them, but because he knows I like them more. 

That he takes the driver’s seat on long trips, even though he drives every day with his job. 

These small gestures are how my husband demonstrates his love for me. And like his cold showers, oftentimes I’m not even aware of them. 

Making my list reminded me of all that I have to be thankful for. 

What kind gestures does your husband do for you? I’d love to hear about them. Leave a comment in the box below and join the conversation. 

And this discussion’s not limited to married women. Every day, others demonstrate their care for us through simple acts. Please chime in with your examples from coworkers, friends, and neighbors. And then purposely say “thank you,” the very next chance you get. 

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 If you liked this post, you might enjoy "You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important."

If you live in the Columbia, SC area, please plan to join me and the lovely ladies of Spring Valley Baptist Church on Thursday, April 18, for Dinner in the Valley. I'll be sharing a presentation called "Everyone Has a Story; What's Yours?" based on my work as editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine. Tickets are $12, include a delicious meal, and can be obtained by calling 736-0624 or online at

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  1. Iris From5:29 AM

    This was so sweet....have tears in my eyes. ☺ We do need to look at the small things.


  2. I often wonder, Iris, if I intentionally thanked people (and God) for all the small kindnesses, how much different both my attitude and theirs would be. I have a sweet friend who is such an encourager -- every time I'm around her, she affirms me in some way. And of course, people are attracted to her like a magnet. I want to be magnetic like that! Thanks for stopping by and commenting today :)

  3. I wrote a post just this week (Sunday) about ways my husband is awesome. I tried to paste the link here, but I couldn't get it to work with my iPad. It's so nice to hear how our husbands are great sometimes.

  4. Mary Redo10:10 AM

    That's an amazing gift, and you never knew. What a blessing!

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

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  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Nо pгedicament - they alsо takе dish
    waѕhing, оcеаn еntrance pгoρerties, and ԁеsκ ԁancing (aссоrding to the menu,
    which iѕ extensiνe of wittу tiԁbits.
    The ρublican requeѕted Daisy, his baгmaid, tο рroνide sοmе celebratοry cοmbinеd bevеrages.

    Ѕtir in onionѕ, celеry, сhopped уellow bеll pеppег and cοok dinner until fіnallу tendеr.

    Аlso νіsіt my homеpagе ::

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    No ρrеdicаment - theу also take ԁish waѕhing, ocean entrance pгopertіes, and desκ dancіng (acсording
    tο the menu, which is extensivе оf witty tidbits.

    Τhe publican rеquested Daisy, his bаrmaid,
    to prοvide sοme cеlеbratorу сombined beverages.
    Stir in onіons, celeгy, choppеd yеllow bell ρеppeг
    and coοκ dinner until finallу tender.

    My blog ροst -

  8. lorihatcher9:51 AM

    Yes! And it’s so easy to take them for granted. Good for you for bragging on him, Kate. We don’t do it enough J.

  9. GailBP6:53 PM

    My husband also does so many of these things for me that I take for granted. Thanks for the reminder to be more aware and appreciative. : )

  10. waldenbunch12:02 AM

    I love this, Lori. As my husband would say, the beauty is in the gift. So often we don't recognize what our spouses do for us and I know yours was encouraged by this post. Mine has been sick this week and I've missed the little things like holding hands and watching Downton Abbey together (our newest obsession!)

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my "Lay it Down" post last Sunday. You are such an encouraging writer and a blessing to so many others.

  11. Awwww, what a sweet hubby you have! My hubby hides chocolate around the house for me.That way when I'm desperate I call him and ask him where it's hidden (necessitating a new hiding place, lol!) He buys me dvds of shows that I love. He puts gas in my car if I'm running low. And he was the "carpool" driver whenever our kids needed to be somewhere at night. He would go and drop them off or pick them up or both.

    Thanks so much for linking up to "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :)

  12. Dusty (To the Moon and Back)8:59 AM

    It's so easy to miss the little things, isn't it? My husband always
    puts gas in the car. I never have to fill the tank. He is also the
    resident bug squasher. :) He rarely allows me to carry groceries in if
    he is home, he also drives whenever we go anywhere. He stops and buys
    me chocolate just because. <3

  13. Wow, Dusty, a husband who provides chocolate -- now he's a KEEPER! Thanks for stopping by today :)

  14. Nan, a husband's willingness to run the late-night carpool is priceless! Somehow that was one of the hardest tasks when my girls were at home.I love your husband's practice of hiding your chocolate for you. thanks for sharing a smile :)

  15. Marty, I hope your hubby was well enough to watch DA with you last night. It's those little routines that mean so much sometimes. And hand-holding--now that's just sweet :)

  16. You are a very affirming person, Gail. I know, because I've been the recipient of your encouragement. Direct some of that toward your sweet hubby today and watch him melt before your very eyes. . . . :) I'm thanking God for you today!

  17. This is a very special post,Lori. My husband goes to work two hours early which means getting up at three whenever it is available to provide for the rising cost of food and gas.

    Thanks for linking up at WholeHearted home this week.

  18. One time at a church dinner my mom (very much a pessimist) saw my husband put a folded potato chip on my plate. She asked him why he didn't like them. He said it wasn't that he didn't like them, it was that he knew they were my favorite (texture thing I guess?). Over the years he has somehow relayed that information to our children so now they give me their folded potato chips as well :)

  19. lorihatcher10:30 PM

    Awwww.. . what a sweet gesture. I'm with you, Renee, the folded chips are my favorite too -- extra crunchy. This is also why I love kettle chips. And good job on your hubby's behalf for passing that on to your children. Like your folded chips, he's a cut above the rest!

  20. lorihatcher10:31 PM

    That's a HUGE gesture of kindness, Judith, and I know you live somewhere COLD, so that makes those early mornings even more of a sacrifice. Thanks for sharing :)

  21. My husband always says, "You'll appreciate it more," when he gives up on some foods to give to me. He always solves my problem with the computer and wifi right away, even if he knows what I'm doing is not important!! He cooks, like for Seder meal today, he is making shawarma, while I'm here in my craft room!

  22. lorihatcher8:04 PM

    Patsy -- a husband who cooks! Now that's awesome. You are blessed :)

  23. I love this post. When we can recognize how good he really is, then his annoying faults began to slowly fade into the background.


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