Hungry for God; Starving for Time


"It's my pleasure to serve you."

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Chick fil A is the Cadillac of fast food restaurants. Their food is exceptional, and  their dining rooms are clean and bright. But what truly sets them apart is the crew of smiling, respectful, hard-working people who wear their garnet and black uniform. 

They provide better service than many sit-down restaurants, often coming out from behind the counter to greet customers, clear trays and refresh drinks. And whether you order at the drive-through window or in the dining room, each employee responds in the same way, “It’s my pleasure to serve you.” 

There’s a lesson buried not too deeply under this pleasant statement. It is one we would do well to espouse. You see, Chick fil A employees understand something Christians often miss—the privilege of service. Their managers regularly remind employees that if it wasn’t for the customer, they wouldn’t be there. This reminder helps each worker remember that the work they do is a privilege, not a curse. 

 I wonder how often we take the cursed approach regarding the lives we live for the Lord? 

If we encounter hardship, we whine about how God mustn’t love us or it wouldn’t be so hard. When we're unappreciated or underappreciated, we consider quitting. When we experience conflict (often within our own families), because of our stands for truth, morality, and biblical standards, we‘re surprised and hurt. When we experience fear, health concerns, or financial struggles, we panic and act as if God has never cared for us, and we have no basis for faith. 

We are spiritual wimps and whiners. 

When we realize the audacity of our complaint, the only appropriate response is to bow our heads in shame. Our weak-kneed, fair-weather faith that whimpers when the slightest wind of tribulation blows is the equivalent of saying to God, “You are not serving me well. I’d like to file a complaint.” 

How quickly we forget that He is the Master, and we are the servants. And he is the master “who did not spare even his own Son, but gave him up for us all" (Romans 8:32). We have no basis on which to question his love or complain about the path he has granted us. 

Anthony Evans shared the story of a man who sat down to a meager meal of bread and water. As he folded his hands and lifted his eyes heavenward, he said, “Oh God, you have given me bread, and water, and Jesus, too? Thank you.” 

When we take our eyes off ourselves and place them squarely on Christ, in whatever life situation or circumstance we find ourselves, we can say to the Lord, “It’s my pleasure to serve you.”

If you liked this post, you might enjoy the post Eating Burned Cookies.



This devotion is an excerpt from Lori’s new book, Hungry for God … Starving for Time, 5-Minute Devotions for Busy Women.

You want to connect with God, but in the craziness of life, it’s just not happening. You want practical, biblical answers to situations you face every day, but you don’t have hours to pore over Scripture.

You need a resource that answers the questions you’re afraid to ask out loud. Questions like:

• Is my situation hopeless?
• If God already knows what he’s going to do, why bother to pray? 
• Why have you allowed this to happen to me? 
• No one appreciates what I do. Why shouldn’t I quit? 

Each devotion begins with a Facetime question and ends with a biblical answer wrapped in a modern day parable. Like a spiritual power bar, Hungry for God … Starving for Time is packed with enough scriptural nutrition to get you through the day. Wherever you are—in break rooms, carpool lines, or wherever you can snatch five minutes of quiet reflection—Hungry for God … Starving for Time, 5-Minute Devotions for Busy Women is for you. 

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  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

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  2. I loved where you mentioned about taking our eyes off of ourselves and place them on Christ, no matter WHAT the situation, and saying "It is my pleasure to serve you." After all, isn't that what HE essentially said and did for us?

    This back pain of mine has been, well.....a pain, lol! Bed rest hasn't been too bad because it helps ease the back pain (and I love to read!). It's the pain and frustration that can wear you down. But during this time I have to remember that it is all a a part of His place for me, and that His plan includes my health and that, as you said, I am pleased to serve Him! Thanks for the encouragement today.

    BTW, I have only been to that restaurant once when we visited Florida. We made a special trip because we heard so much about it. It was good! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  3. Ron Gravitt3:29 AM

    What a beautiful message. We should always keep our eyes towards the Son. :-) I would love for you to come share these on my weekly link up that just
    went live for the week.

  4. GailBP8:39 AM

    A good intro/analogy with the Chikfila service. They really are known for being friendly and helpful. And it's true that so many of our complaints come from the way we view our blessings. I had my first unfriendly experience at a Chikfila this last weekend, and it was such a departure from their regular service, I realized how I've come to expect good service and kind words. It's good when a bad experience is the exception instead of the rule. Now, I need to apply that to my own attitude : )

  5. Such a valuable lesson. I think for me it starts with serving my family. When I can positively serve them I am serving Him and I am ready for whatever He wants to throw at me :) Stopping by from WFMW. Thanks for sharing!

  6. teresa3:17 AM

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  7. lorihatcher6:51 PM

    Janine, you make a good point. Serving our families day in and day out, when it's convenient, when it's not, when we feel like it, and when we don't, is the ultimate litmus test of being a servant. These opportunities are also the ones most likely to be overlooked, which makes them the most likely to be rewarded in heaven someday. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. lorihatcher6:53 PM

    Gail, I think this is why the world holds Christians to a higher standard -- when Christian servanthood is done properly, it's so extraordinary that it makes less than perfect (or non-existent) servanthood that much more obvious. Oh, may we be characterized by the world not for what we didn't do, but for what we did. Thanks, Kind friend, for stopping by :)

  9. lorihatcher6:54 PM

    privileged to be invited to share with your fine community of readers. . . hopping right over. Blessings to you!

  10. lorihatcher6:57 PM

    You gave me a good reminder that what I take for granted -- a fine Chick fil A restaurant on every corner, many others may be clueless about. Perhaps next time I use them as an example, I'll include a short explanatory sentence. I'm sorry you're down in the back. It really can be a pain (no pun intended, though I know you're the queen of the puns). You're right, though, that those times of inactivity don't have to be wasted. Oh, may our precious Lord reveal himself to you in ways you never could have seen otherwise. . . and then put you BACK on your feet soon.

  11. lorihatcher6:58 PM

    I heard a wise man once say that we haven't truly served until someone else gets the credit, and God gets the glory. We can all chew on that for a while! Blessings to you today.

  12. Yes, definitely good reminders...and lessons I need to learn and practice! I want to serve my family with's when I start the pity parties that it becomes a drudgery! :( Thanks so much for linking up. I'll have the new one up shortly.


    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  13. This is so true and I have been so convicted of complaining. The thing is that it all starts in our thoughts. Thanks for linking up with me over at WholeHearted Home this week. I always look forward to reading your posts.

  14. I wonder if the supposedly Christian owner of Chick-fil-A mass produces the poor chickens before slaughtering them like most of the other fast "food" restaurants.

  15. I too always have great experiences at Chick-fil-A, I've never had a complaint. I love the food and service.
    As I was ready this post I knew God had a message for me, He is always right there teaching me. I want to have a servant's attitude, and I'm choosing to take servant's actions.
    Thank you for this

  16. blessed momma,

    I love to see excellence in whatever form it takes, and when excellence is paired with Christian, it's a beautiful testimony for the LOrd. Thanks for stopping by today :)


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