Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Thanksgiving in the Midst of a Blackout

519 – Thank you, Lord, as I continue my daily list of the blessings for which I am thankful, for the candle that lights the corner in which I sit.

520 – Thank you for the blanket I’ve wrapped around myself against the steadily increasing cold slowly creeping into my home. I am newly conscious that a blanket is all some people have, for they have no homes for cold to creep into. 

521 – Thank you too, that the thermostat is electric, and therefore non-functioning in this blackout. To know what the temperature is on this early morning would make me colder, I think.

522 – Thank you for the power that has lighted my mornings almost every day of my life.

523 – Thank you that I have confidence that it will be restored. Many today have no power to restore.

524 – Thank you for the mirror that rests on the dresser before me, reflecting the light of my candle. Lord, help me walk into today as a reflection of your light to the world. 

525 -- Thank you that I can meet with you today, that you are not hindered by the darkness at all – you see and hear me just fine with no help from the power company.

526 – Thank you for your Word. Read by candlelight, it helps me imagine the saints of old poring over their Bibles in the wee hours of the day. May I have their faith to continue to seek you even when it’s inconvenient or challenging. 

527 – Thank you for the promise of this good day.

“For the light has come into the world, and the darkness shall not overcome it” (John 1:5).

For what are you thankful today? Might it be something you normally take for granted, but now see in a new light? Leave a comment below and join in the conversation. I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you’re reading by email, click here to leave a comment.

If you liked this devotion, you might enjoy I Cried Because I Had No Shoes.

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  1. Hi dear Lori
    I was just thinking the other day about the times when people lived without electricity! I wonder if their lives were not a lot more simpler and slower than ours! Until I realized that rushing starts in the heart. Happily visiting from Mindy's where I found your blog.
    Much love XX

    1. What a wise perspective, Mia -- "rushing starts in the heart." Oh, how I want to be like Jesus, who, while it was yet dark, sneaked away to spend time in the quiet with his Father. I've often heard that the old church prayed and fasted, and the new church prays fast. May heaven help us!

  2. God certainly smiles when we thank Him for things generally taken for granted. There are so many. We are certainly very blessed!
    Thanks for your reminder, Lori.

  3. I am so with you. When we lose the conveniences we get so used to, it reminds us of all we have to be thankful for. When we had our blackout during Hurricane Sandy, one of the greatest benefits was slowing down and enjoying one another as a family. You might enjoy my post that day...

    1. Yes! When the distractions are stripped away, we're able to see what's really precious, and view each day with a thankful heart. It's a discipline that bears rich spiritual fruit. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. What a beautiful and uplifting post! Thank you for sharing!

  5. We had a short "black-out" this morning. In that hour, I was thankful I'd already had some God-time, I'd already got breakfast cooked for my husband and grandson, enjoyed the electronics shut down and everyone eating breakfast together by candlelight!

  6. I really liked reading down through your list. We have power outages often enough where we live. What good things to be thankful for!! I thought I dropped my cell phone in a parking in the snow...but found it where I put it at night. Very thankful for my forgetfulness working out for the good. God cares so much for me!!


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