Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Sandy Hook -- God is not dead, nor does He sleep

For our nation, trying to understand such a senseless tragedy, my prayer is that these words, originally penned by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1863, will bring comfort and hope:

And in despair, I bowed my head.
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
of peace on Earth, goodwill to men."

Then pealed the bells, more loud and sweet,
"God is not dead, nor does He sleep;
the wrong shall fail, the right prevail
with peace on earth, good will to men."

For those reading via email, click here to hear Mark Hall, of Casting Crowns, in this beautiful rendition of "I Heard the Bells."

My deepest sympathy joins yours as we pray for the families of Sandy Hook.


  1. I don't think I have ever heard this.... Gorgeous song.

  2. Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing them! And thank you for stopping by my blog; you are right. God creates the best in His children!

  3. Thanks for these encouraging words, Lori. We need to remember them during these dark days. I'm praying they bring comfort to all who come by here and especially to those touched by this tragedy. Our God will prevail!

  4. Timely counsel, Lori. I love the Longfellow poem. So true.

  5. Love this! I just posted about this on my facebook page last week with a graphic. It's so powerful! Mercy Me has an amazing version of this song. They do such a good job conveying the despair and contrasting that with the victory and hope of that last verse. :)

  6. For all the times I've heard that song, I can't say I've ever really paid attention to those words. What an appropriate reminder for today.

    1. My husband said the same thing when I was talking about it. He had to go and listen to it :)


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