Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Be Not Weary Gets a New Name!

Dear Readers and Subscribers:

As you opened today's post, you noticed that the Be Not Weary blog has a new name. I believe Hungry for God; Starving for Time best summarizes how many women feel today. We hunger for a satisfying relationship with God, yet we're starving for time to interact with him.While we'd love to spend 30 or 40 minutes in deep Bible study every day, it's not always possible.

Like a power bar gives us quick physical nutrition, Hungry for God devotions will give you concentrated spiritual nutrition wherever you can snatch five minutes--in between household tasks, at lunch, or in the carpool line or break room

While the mission for Hungry for God is to continue to encourage you to "be not weary in doing good," (Galatians 6:9),  I also plan to feature more nitty gritty devotions that meet you right where you are -- in struggling marriages, difficult work and home situations, and times of spiritual soul-searching. I know God's Word has answers for the most challenging aspects of our lives. I'd like to invite you to join me as we wrestle through them together.

As Hungry for God begins its third year of ministry, would you help it grow? More than anything else, I want to reach those who want to know our precious Savior better. You can help in several ways:

1. If you really enjoy a particular post, would you share it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter, or send it by email? There are convenient Share buttons at the bottom of each post that make it easy. 

2. If you haven't yet subscribed to receive twice-weekly Hungry for God posts directly to your email box, now's a great time. Enter your email address in the box below, and confirm the subscription when you receive an email from me. That way, you won't miss a single post.

3.  Pray for the ministry of Hungry for God. Exciting things are in the works! I can't wait until I can share more about what the Lord is doing :). In the mean time, I covet your prayers. 

Thank you, faithful readers and subscribers, for your faithfulness. I love to hear from you each week as we wrestle in faith together.

I'm praying the richest of God's blessings upon you today,


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  1. What a perfect Name for your blog! In this world of rush & hurry up I know I starve for God's word. As I look to the upcoming year, I know I need Him more than ever!
    I pray that you continue to bless others with this blog!
    Happy New Year & Name!!

  2. Lookin' good, Lori. I think this is a timely change for you as you prepare for your published series.

  3. Luv your blog's new name, Lori. Many blessings on all of your endeavors to help draw us closer to Him.

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    How exciting, great name :) I look forward to all you have in store. Tara.

  5. Lor, I think this is a great idea! It probably describes 99% of busy wives and moms, and I think it will be an encouragement to many!

  6. Woo hoo! I love it! Congrats on the new name! And thanks for linking up. Praying you have a blessed New Year Lori!

  7. Great new name. Thank you for offering wonderful devotionals. I am looking forward to more in the New Year.

  8. Such a great name and blog mission purpose Lori. All the best to you in your endeavors this year.

  9. Love the new name! Definitely applies to me!

  10. What a great new name for your blog as 2013 kicks off to as start. Blessings on your blog and thanks for sharing over at WholeHearted Home.


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