
5 Reasons I Hope to Wait in Line to Vote

I hope there’s a VERY long line when I vote today.

Here’s why:

photo courtesy of Greek
1.  From the founding fathers to today’s military personnel, people have sacrificed and died to win my right to vote without fear. Not to vote would be to disregard their sacrifices.

2.  Many in the world don’t have the privilege of voting in a free election. I vote in their honor, to uphold their hope.

3. Those who can vote often do so in fear of their lives, their families, and their fortunes. Think of  the Iraqis who vote in the presence of armed guards.

4.  If I don’t vote for those who uphold the principles of God and the foundation of the Constitution, my freedom to vote may one day be taken away.

5.  “He who has been given a trust must prove faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, has allowed me to live in this country, at this moment, with these rights and privileges. As I faithfully fulfill my responsibilities as a citizen, I fulfill the duties he has entrusted to me.

I hope there’s a VERY long line at my polling place. And at yours, too

Will you join me in line as I wait patiently and prayerfully? May God have mercy on our country.

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  1. I am with you 100%! At election time I often think of the folks in countries where supporting or voting for the wrong candidate can have fatal consequences. I am so very grateful to live in our free nation, and I have to do my part to keep it that way. Thanks for your uplifting post.

    1. Amen, Kim. What a privilege to vote without fear. Thanks for stopping by:)

  2. Well said, Lori. In fact, we're driving up to PA today to vote, as we didn't want to have absentee ballots that may or may not be counted. (We've had them returned to us in the past.) It's sad how few of the eligible votes in our country exercise this right.

    1. Isie, wow, I'm inspired all over again. You gals are shaming me! Makes me want to go camp out just so I'll have to suffer a little! I mean, people do it for concert tickets, right? May God bless your commitment to be an involved citizen! Thanks for your example :)

  3. All good reasons to vote, Lori. The longest I ever waited to vote was when we lived in Columbia, and I think it was about 3 hours. Here in NC they allow you to vote early, so I've already voted and only had to wait about 30 minutes.

    1. Wow, Gail, good for you for your commitment. It's hard to stand in line that long, but that' nothing compared to the people who wait in line all day (usually in the heat or cold). When I see dedication like that it makes me feel like a whiny 2 year old. . .

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I'm writing in JESUS! Because NEITHER candidate holds ANY of my values. Only godly principles and a GODLY man (not the next god according to the mormons) should be in office.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and for your passion to see men and women elected who bring glory and honor to our precious Savior.

  5. Stopping by from blog hop. I am a former high school history teacher and I believe everyone should vote too! Your post is great. I prayed today for our country and tomorrows election. Will keep praying! You are invited to visit me at Blessings to you!

  6. Wonderful post, Lori! It's amazing to me how so many people take voting for granted or they think that their one vote won't count for anything. And yet what an amazing and coveted opportunity we have here in the US. Thanks!

  7. I really agree with this post. It's amazing how many people take this privilege for granted. I know I did. I was old enough to vote in the 2000 election but I just blew it off. I learned more and I've voted in every election since then (the whole 2 lol). My husband is working a very long shift at work today but is leaving for and hour or two to come home so both of us can go and vote. Have a wonderful day :)

  8. Such good reasons, Lori. My parents taught me the importance of voting when I was young. Today my youngest voted for the first time. I only had a 5 minute wait although my oldest daughter had a 1/2 hour wait just before we got there.

  9. Yes! I brought my ds16 with me today to get him thinking about voting in 2 years. I also reminded him that he'll be able to vote in the next Presidential election.


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