Hungry for God; Starving for Time


When Grace Goes on Vacation - An Edisto Island Reflection

 Grace   n. /grAs/ the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation and bestowal of blessings. 

Grace—it’s all around me. 

“I cannot earn it; I do not deserve it; but I’m infinitely grateful,” my favorite pastor often says. 

Sometimes grace is painted on the sky. 

 Other times it's painted on the walls. 

Kind friends who share their seaside haven give us the gift of grace—Amazing Grace--and grace is all around us.

Grace is in my husband’s napkin notes that greet me every morning and make no mention of the times I’ve kept him waiting, kidnapped by the muse that acts like a 2-year-old refusing to take a nap. 

Grace is in my sister’s uncomplaining willingness to walk a literal extra mile because my directionally-challenged self misunderstood the directions. 

 Grace is in the kind man’s gesture telling me to go ahead as he eyes my lone carton of eggs and the  line four-people-deep ahead of me in the grocery store.

Grace is in my daughter’s belated Mother’s Day gift—a jar full of thank-you-memories—spotlighting only the good and spreading grace like thick peanut butter to the very edges of this mother’s parenting. 

And grace is in the rickety wooden bench where a searching man sat and made peace with God. 

It’s grace.

All grace.

Amazing grace.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9 

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Upcoming Speaking Engagement:
Palmetto Center for Women’s Trinity Focus Luncheon 
Thursday, June 12 from Noon to 1pm

This is Winston.  Winston likes to sleep.

This is Winston’s mom, owner and understudy, Lori Hatcher.  Lori has an eye-opening talk for us at next month’s Palmetto Center for Women’s Trinity Focus luncheon.
It’s called “Sleep Is a Waste of Time.”

At least that’s what this editor for Reach Out, Columbia magazine used to think.  Lori has said, “Sleeping eight hours a night means spending one-third of my life unconscious and having nothing to show for it. No productivity. None.”

How many of us view sleep as inconvenient? Lori would watch her college friends sleep until noon on Saturdays, yet she’d be up early not wanting to waste a moment of the day. Her spirit was willing to work long into the night, but her body would be plagued by waning energy, fuzzy thinking, and drooping eyelids. Like so many of us experience in our crazy chaos, we collapse into bed in frustration and start the cycle all over again the next day.
But recently, this self-proclaimed sleep scorner awoke to a new, Biblical perspective by discovering that God CARES about sleep.
Not only cares, but has given us guidelines and principles to help us glorify him even in our sleep.
Bring it on, Lori.  We want to hear what you’ve learned.  We promise not to doze off.
WHAT:           Palmetto Center for Women’s Trinity Focus Luncheon
WHERE:        The Capital City Club // 1201 Main Street, 25th Floor // Columbia, SC 29201
WHEN:          Thursday, June 12 from Noon to 1pm
COST:           $15
HOW:             Register by June 11 and pay $15 at or email Belinda at and pay $15 at door.

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  1. Thank you for this beautiful post, Lori! I am so thankful for God's amazing grace,

  2. It sounds like your vacation was wonderful in the most important ways! Thank you for sharing your beautiful words.

    (I followed the link up from We Are That Family.)


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